Video Best Practices
- Our team will send an email confirmation once your content has been scheduled or if we have additional questions.
- Use Adobe Media Encoder for compression of all videos
- Format should be h.264 with .mp4 extension
- H.264 codec has a size constraint of 4096 pixels wide and high
- Consolidating multiple movie files of shorter duration into a single movie file is highly recommended. This is far less taxing on the build and ensures successful long-term performance.
- Use frame rate of 30 frames per second; even if content is 24 fps, use 3:2 pulldown process to bring frame rate playback to 30fps
- Frame repetition using 3:2 pulldown is less noticeable with 1080p videos
- Use Variable bitrate (VBR); target and max bitrates between 10 and 20 mbps
- Do not exceed 40 mbps
- File sizes vary, recommended to keep under 1GB
- 4K should run at a refresh rate of 60Hz or above
- No live data or text overlaying 4K
For additional questions, please email: and include your event name in the subject line.